Parts of the house Charts and Worksheets

Our parts of the house charts and worksheets helps young children learn various parts of the house with pictures.A house has many different rooms.A house is where a family live together.It is important for students to know the different rooms in a house in their kindergarten level.

Parts of the house are

Living room


Dining room


Study room

Kids room





Use our parts of the house worksheets to help your children learn and understand different parts of the house.These worksheets can be used for home learning and online learning with no prep as they are easy to download and print.

Click on the worksheets image to download the high quality pdf worksheets. 

Parts of the house Chart

This is a parts of the house chart poster to study common parts of the house.Click on the chart image for free parts of the house chart pdf download.

Label Parts of the house

After teaching parts of the house to your students, you can check their comprehension using this worksheet.Students have to write the names of the rooms under the pictures.

Match parts of the house with their names

This is a parts of the house matching exercise that tests how well students are familiar with the names of rooms.

Choose the correct name

This worksheet has multiple choice exercise to review the parts of the house vocabulary skill of your students.Students are given two option out of which they have to choose the right name of the room in the given picture.

Trace parts of the house names

This worksheet is easy to download and can be used for parts of the house practice in a fun way.This fun worksheet help your students to write rooms names.

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