Magic e / Silent e worksheets

Magic e rule states that when the letter ‘e’ sits at the end of the word, it is usually silent and tell the vowel before it say its name (long sound). Take the word rat, the ‘a’ vowel sound is short here.When ‘e’ is added at the end of ‘rat’ , the sound of ‘a’ is pronounced as long vowel in ‘rate’ and e becomes silent.This is an important phonic rule to be taught to your students because there are many common words in this pattern.This rule is also called as silent e as the letter ‘e’ doesn’t produce any sound in the word.

Here are some worksheets to practice this phonics rule.Click on the worksheet image to download high quality pdf file.

Magic e chart

This chart is handy in teaching the magic e rule to the students with easy examples for each vowel.With the help of this chart, you cab brainstorm various magic e words.

Make magic e words

Add e at the end of cvc words to make a new word where e becomes silent and vowel takes a long sound.This is fun activity to apply magic e in cvc words.

Unscramble magic e words

The letters of the magic e words are in scrambled state.Unscramble and write the words.This worksheet works great for kindergarten and grade 1 students.

Find magic e words

Read all the words and highlight only the magic e words.Write them in the space provided.This worksheets is of great help in practising  identifying reading and writing magic e words.

Magic e puzzle

This is a puzzle where students have to find the given list of magic e words in the puzzle.This is an interesting worksheets for kindergarten students to practise magic e.

Fill in the blanks

Some magic e words are given with blanks.Students have to fill in the short vowel and magic e to complete the word.This worksheet is great for magic e words practise.

Choose the correct word

This is a great way to practice magic e phonics rule.Ask your students to choose the correct word for each picture.

Color magic e candies

Grab this fun candy jar worksheet and colours to teach your students magic e.